A Healthy Start for your Family Journey!

Thousands of Happy Females Conceived Naturally


Get trained by the

Award Winning Clinical Nutritionist & Expert Yoga Trainers

Nutritionist Pooja Ganesh

Meet our award-winning Clinical Nutritionist, renowned for transforming over 6000 lives with her holistic approach to nutrition. Specializing in weight loss, PCOD, Thyroid, Diabetes, Infertility, Pregnancy, and more, she has earned accolades as the Best Nutritionist of the year in Karnataka, receiving the prestigious Indian Icon Award 2023. With a passion for helping others achieve their health goals, she combines her expertise with personalized care to empower individuals on their journey to optimal health. Join the thousands who have already experienced life-changing results under her guidance.

6500+ Transformed

25000+ Consulted

What’s Inside for You?!

Delicious Weight Loss Recipes

Home Based Workout Videos

Weekly Follow Up

WhatsApp Assistance

Recordings on Healthy Lifestyle

Home Based Diet Plan

Who Can Join?

  • For people who are Planning for Baby
  • For those who Fertility Issues
  • For those who have PCOD/PCOS
  • For men with Fertility Issues
  • For people suffering with Thyroid
  • For those having Unhealthy Weight Issues

Join the Upcoming 30 Days Pre-Pregnancy Batch


  • 2 Customized Diet Plan (15 Days Once)
  • Yoga & Exercise Class
  • Weekly Follow-Ups
  • Team Support up to Pregnancy
  • Mental & Sexual Health Session
  • Call Counselling


  • 2 Customized Diet Plan (15 Days Once)
  • Yoga & Exercise Class
  • Weekly Follow-Ups
  • Team Support up to Pregnancy
  • Mental & Sexual Health Session
  • Call Counselling


  • 2 Customized Diet Plan (15 Days Once)
  • Yoga & Exercise Class
  • weekly Follow-Ups
  • Team Support up to Pregnancy
  • Mental & Sexual Health Session
  • Call Counselling